Chào các bạn, mình là Khang đến từ Trung tâm Ngoại ngữ IELTS MASTER – ENGONOW. Hôm nay mình rất vui khi có thể chia sẻ đến các 80 cụm giao tiếp Tiếng Anh- IELTS cực kỳ thông dụng. 
Chúc bạn học tốt nhé.


Common phrases to ask how someone is:

  • What’s up?
  • What’s new?
  • What have you been up to lately?
  • How’s it going?
  • How are things?
  • How’s life?

Common phrases to say how you are:

  • I’m fine, thanks. How about you?
  • Pretty good.
  • Same as always
  • Not so great.
  • Could be better
  • can’t complain

Common phrases to say thank you:

  • I really appreciate it.
  • I’m really grateful
  • That’s so kind of you.
  • I owe you one. (this means you want/need to do a favor for the other person in the future)

Common phrases to respond to thank you:

  • No problem.
  • No worries
  • Don’t mention it.
  • My pleasure.
  • Anytime.

Common phrases to end a conversation politely:

  • It was nice chatting with you.
  • Anyway, I should get going.

Common phrases to ask for information:

  • Do you have any idea…?
  • Would you happen to know…? (when you’re not sure if the other person has the information.)
  • I don’t suppose you (would) know…? (when you’re not sure if the other person has the information.)

Common phrases to say I don’t know:

  • I have no idea/clue.
  • I can’t help you there.
  • (informal) Beats me.
  • I’m not really sure.
  • I’ve been wondering that, too.

Common phrases for not having an opinion:

  • I’ve never given it much thought.
  • I don’t have strong feelings either way.
  • It doesn’t make any difference to me.
  • I have no opinion on the matter.

Common phrases for agreeing:

  • Exactly.
  • Absolutely.
  • That’s so true.
  • That’s for sure.
  • I agree 100%
  • I couldn’t agree with you more.
  • (informal) Tell me about it! / You’re telling me!
  • (informal) I’ll say!
  • I suppose so. (use this phrase for weak agreement – you agree, but reluctantly)

Common phrases for disagreeing:

  • I’m not so sure about that.
  • That’s not how I see it.
  • Not necessarily

Common phrases to respond to great news:

  • That’s great!
  • How wonderful!
  • Awesome!

Common phrases to respond to bad news:

  • Oh no…
  • That’s terrible.
  • Poor you. (Use this to respond to bad situations that are not too serious)
  • I’m so sorry to hear that.

Common phrases to invite someone somewhere:

  • Are you free… [Saturday night?]
  • Are you doing anything… [Saturday night?]
  • . (informal) Do you wanna… [see a movie?]
  • (formal)Would you like to… [join me for dinner?]

Common phrases for food:

  • I’m starving! (= I’m very hungry)
  • Let’s grab a bite to eat.
  • How about eating out tonight? (eat out = eat at a restaurant)
  • I’ll have… (use this phrase for ordering in a restaurant)

Common phrases for price:

  • It cost a fortune.
  • It cost an arm and a leg.
  • That’s a rip-off. (= overpriced; far more expensive than it should be)
  • That’s a bit pricey.
  • That’s quite reasonable. (= it’s a good price)
  • That’s a good deal. (= a good value for the amount of money)
  • It was a real bargain.
  • It was dirt cheap. (= extremely inexpensive)

Common phrases for weather:

  • It’s a little chilly.
  • It’s freezing. (= extremely cold)
  • Make sure to bundle up. (bundle up = put on warm clothes for protection against the cold)

Common phrases for hot weather:

  • It’s absolutely boiling! (boiling = extremely hot)
  • it scorching hot outside

Common phrases for being tired:

  • I’m exhausted.
  • I’m dead tired.
  • I’m beat
  • I can hardly keep my eyes open
  • I’m gonna hit the sack. (hit the sack = go to bed)


Khang Tran

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